Making a den in the bedroom, under a table or in the garden is not only fun, it’s magical!  The secretiveness and privacy of the den sparks children’s imaginations and turns their den into a spy base, a meeting place for a secret club or a magical place to have a picnic.

you can try this out with varying degrees of  effort.  Get your children involved in building their own using things like chairs, tables and bamboo poles to build a framework. The frame of a swing set, washing line or large trampoline could also be great frames!

Then you’ll need some covers to form the roof and walls of the den. Tarpaulin or waterproof materials would be ideal for use outdoors unless the weather is clearly going to hold out. To make it brighter on the inside you could use bright or light sheets to make the roof and walls and then layer a waterproof material over the top. Make sure it’s all secured with string, rope or tent pegs.

Once you’ve got your basic den you can begin setting up the inside. Consider making it relevant to the kind of games your children will want to play in there or the sort of things they will use it for. For example, if they’re using it as their pretend home make a sleeping area, cooking area, drinks, snacks and some seats. If they’re going to use it as their top secret base make sure there’s lots of paper, pens, magnifying glass, maps, etc.

Use a waterproof groundsheet and then add cushions, rugs or seats on top as needed.

Once it’s built, your children will be able to entertain themselves for hours!